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Global Education

Global education is a broad term that encompasses several curricular and instructional components at Mariposa. Overlapping with Mariposa's emphasis on social communication and other components include: Multicultural Studies, Foreign Language, and Community Outreach.

Multicultural Studies:  There is a focus on the world throughout the main lesson blocks studied in each grade.  Many of the stories and content of the curriculum give the students a view of the world.  Students will study different regions, hear stories from around the world, do cooking or art activities that encompass a global aspect. 

Foreign Language: Students in grades 1 through 8 receive instruction in Spanish two days per week for 30-minute periods. The Spanish program is an oral language program and is based on the natural approach to language acquisition as outlined in "The Natural Approach" by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell. The program is based on 2 primary components. The first is the idea that comprehension precedes production, i.e., listening precedes speaking, reading or writing. We do not expect a baby to speak for some time, and certainly not to read or write. We do, however, repeat words frequently to him so he may hear and learn them. In accordance with these principles of research-based language instruction, our Spanish lessons are oral, repetitive and are being used to transmit messages. (Example: "Touch your nose and your mouth."). The second component is the idea that language instruction should be presented in a low anxiety environment where students are allowed to make errors are not forced to speak before they are ready. As such, lessons are interactive and lively. Students are not "tested" on a unit until the group has had plenty of time to hear and learn the words. At that time, students will be tested by being asked to respond physically to verbal messages. Student understanding is documented and reported during the regular report card period.

Community Outreach: It is a priority at Mariposa that students learn compassion and a sense of responsibility for the society they live in. As such students are engaged in learning about ways to help others and participating in community outreach activities. In the past, students participated in Manna Food Drives and Book-Ends in which they collected books and brought them to communities in need. This year our school will partner with a local assisted-living facility in which seniors will visit our school throughout the year and students will have an opportunity to get to know them through various activities such as storytelling, reading books together, and playing games.